confession… – a dear, close friend told me about a blog I would like. I just finished reading only two posts and it encouraged me to post. That led to me (again attempting, and failing) to log in to my blog from my bb. And then I discovered “there’s an app for that” yep fucking iPodPeople I am bastarizing your tagline.

Now I have an app and I get to blog from my bb. Which 90% of the time is my where I surf and read blogs and get the whole creative bug to write, also as in now, tends to be at the bar.

Anyway…the reason for this post is confessions. As Curvy said I am posting not for your review or rebuttal, rather as my (albeit somewhat anon) announcement to the world. OK the last bit is mine…

(And the real drive to this post) I (too) am over non-Catholics proclaiming their observance of Lent. First, I am Catholic. Second, I do not (swear it) feel I’m a worthy enough Catholic to participate in such a solemn and humbling act of Lent that one must endure to truly “get credit” for it. Some years ago I had a huge revival in my religion to which I was very diligent at attending mass and I riddled my father with questions about our religion. I asked about the kneel at the pew (genuflection), the practice and participation in confirmation, and on Ash Wednesday I called him and asked him if I should wipe my forehead free of the grey ashen cross from my forehead prior to returning to my work (in the buckle of the bible belt and to a comapny guided by “Baptist” biblical principles). My father’s response? If I was ashamed of my faith, then yes.

Uh, what!?! Yeah, he stopped with that sentance and did not continue. I dug deeper. He then told me that Ash Wednesday was the day that Catholics went before their church and God and proclaimed that they were sinners and that they have sinned. That the sign of the cross was placed upon their forehead (the ashes come from burning the palms received on the prior years’ Palm Sunday) are a public procilamation of their adnittance that they are sinners. Showing to the world that they have sinned. Think a personally placed scarlet letter.

He went on to say that if you are embarassed of your religon and/or of this proclimation, the feel free to wipe your forehead clear of that cross. Otherwise, don’t.

That year I left that cross upon my forehead and returned to work both proudly and sheepishly displaying my faith to the world as well as my proclimation that I was a sinner and in my proclimation of my faith. I participated in the true practice of Lent that year. I removed a luxury from my life to get a small glimpse of the sacrifice that Jesus made for me when he died on the cross. I went to church on the observed days during the season (Maundy Monday, Bloody Sunday), I arrived early to mass to do my rosary dilgently and devoutly. And on the Saturday before Easter I went to mass and cried as I partcipated in the re-enactment of the death of Christ.

And at Midnight, after mass I celebrated with friends the resurection with food and drink and laughter and love.

And that is Lent. The time between Ash Wednesday and Easter that is the for the Sinner to recognize, proclaim, and observe their sins, repent, and vow to be a better and faithful faithful worshipper of Christ.

So,to all of you non-Catholics “giving up” your soda pop, chocolate, french fries, and all those other superficial bullshit “addictions” you have…you don’t have a clue about what it means to sacrifice in the name of the Lord during a time in the year that is the holisest of all for the people that really get it.

And that is MY confession.

~ by MJoy on February 22, 2010.

One Response to “confession…”

  1. Wow, I was totally just being a Creepy McCreeperson and haunting blogrolls because I am home sick and bored. I clicked on Sarah’s blog and yours was the most recent one updated. My eyes TOTALLY BUGGED OUT when I saw my name! LOL! Then I thought I was in trouble….

    I’m so happy that someone referred one of my posts. YAY!

    But YES! Your post completely explains my frustration! These people aren’t observing Lent! They’re just refraining from things, which is all well and good, except there is actual meaning behind Lent. Don’t say you’re giving up chocolate for Lent. REALLY. Even if a person IS Catholic, and all Lent is, is Ash Wednesday and 40 days of eating fish….. I guess I just don’t understand that. Why do it? Do you think Jesus cares if you eat steak? It’s not the act, it’s the reason behind it.

    I don’t normally talk about religion, and politics, don’t even, but I have so many people around me ‘giving up things’ for Lent that it’s sort of like Christmas. It’s lost its value, and I am almost sure that Catholics want the value and meaning of Lent to remain true.

    And since I was being honest, I just had to say that it was bugging the CRAP out of me. When Ramadan rolls around, make sure you don’t eat during daylight hours. Ya know? I just… I don’t get arbitrarily picking something out of a faith system that you don’t believe in because it suits you and you can ‘fit in’ and feel good about yourself.

    OY my rant is over. LOL. Sorry about that and thanks for reading my post!

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